Mrs. Whittington is still in need of a parent volunteer for Thursday’s play day! Contact her if you are available!
over 2 years ago, Abby Whittington
6th and 7th grade students earned a trip to Holiday Park for their excellent behavior! We had an incredible afternoon!
over 2 years ago, Meagan O'Brian
Many rounds of Tut of War
Just Hanging Around at the park
So many kids were fishing!
Dodgeball was a fab favorite!
Our Prek4 class did a great job during their Noah’s Ark play! And shoutout to Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. Stanko, and Ms. Close and aides for their hard work too!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
students standing on risers
students standing behind an ark
students standing on stage wearing costume
2nd grade is enjoying their First Communion Celebration Day, despite the rain. This trip is right up our alley and is "gutter" perfection!🎳
over 2 years ago, Dana Kessinger
2nd grade
2nd grade
2nd grade
2nd grade was able to celebrate their First Communion together as a class during our special Mass this morning! They all did an AWESOME job!
over 2 years ago, Dana Kessinger
2nd grade 2021-2022
It’s 7th grade dissection time with Mrs. Power!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
two boys sitting at lab tables dissecting frog
More pictures of our 8th and 1st grade buddies!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
8th grade girl pushing two girls on swings
boy standing on top of playground equipment
Elliot Rohrig delivering the fifth grade care package to our seminarian, Isaac Sanders.
over 2 years ago, Kelly Swanson
student delivering seminarian care package
A huge thank you to Senator Sally Turner and her staff for coming to school this morning and presenting certificates to our 7th and 8th grade volleyball State Champions! What an honor!
almost 3 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
volleyball team lined up in two rows smiling with lady in red dress
Senator Sally Turner wearing IESA medal
senator sally Turner awarding student certificate
volleyball player awarding medal to senator Sally Turner
Thank you to Mrs. Jorstad and Ms. Connon for a wonderful band and choir Spring Concert tonight! Our musicians did a wonderful job!
almost 3 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
students playing instruments in chapel
students standing on risers during choir concert
band concert in chapel
The three year olds loved their first TAT!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Albrecht
The three year olds loved their first TAT !
Some of the 8th graders after their service project at Central Catholic! They did a great job!
almost 3 years ago, Carlyn Althoff
8th grade after their service project for track-a-thon!
Mrs. K's class practicing their spelling words while enjoying this beautiful weather!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Kessinger
Spelling practice with Mrs. K's class
Spelling practice with Mrs. K's class
Spelling practice with Mrs. K's class
Spelling practice with Mrs. K's class
7th Grade Corncrib Education Day!
almost 3 years ago, Meagan O'Brian
7th Grade Corncrib Education Day
"God doesn't call you to be successful, He calls you to be faithful." - Mother Teresa
almost 3 years ago, Elizabeth Henry
Mother Teresa
Mrs. Hester’s class at track-a-thon 2022
almost 3 years ago, Becky Hester
track a thon
Congrats to Sophia! An Ag Placemat winner.
almost 3 years ago, Natalie Perry
Congrats to Ag Placemat winner Sophia!
Thank you to Mr. Stanko for the great class picture from Track-a-Thon!
almost 3 years ago, Abby Whittington
Mrs. W.'s Class
Rti is off and running completing running records on every student in grades k-5! Off to a strong start!
almost 3 years ago, Melinda Hebbel
Our first graders are so excited to plant their seedlings into the new STEM garden!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Stanko
Ready to plant!
Planting beans for next year’s lunches!
Planting beans for next year’s lunches!
We learned plants need water, sunlight, and nutrients to grow!