Help spoil our teachers as they start the new school year! Sign up for the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast and Goody Bags!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
white gift bags with light pink bow and red and pink tissue paper
Our Spirit Wear online store is now available! Check it out here!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
ad for spirit wear clothing
Postcards should be arriving soon! If you haven’t received one by next Monday, please reach out to the office. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
Hello Corpus Family, Box Tops for Education had a major update in late 2019. In the past, we asked families to clip and save each of the physical BoxTops from their products. The program has gone fully digital. No longer do you have to clip boxes and send them to school. There is no manual entry anymore. Now as with everything there is an app!! It is called "Box Tops for Education." To create an account, you enter your email and then pick your school and you are all set. Once your account is created, you just scan (take pictures) of your receipts and the app does all the work for you. Here is link to see how easy it is to scan these points in. Now my challenge to the whole Corpus Family. In the past year, we've had about 30 families participating each month. With over 200 families in this school, I would like to challenge us to get at least 100 contributors each month. Remember this is free money to the school. If you know anyone that does not give their Box Tops points to a school already, please ask them if they would be willing to donate them to our school. Anyone can support Corpus Christi: siblings, parents, aunt/uncles, grandparents, and friends. Thank you, Angela Peverly
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
box tops for education logo
box tops for education logo
Our pre-K classroom is in need of some trains and accessories for our train table. If you have any you would like to donate, please contact Brooke Provost at Thank you in advance!!
over 2 years ago, Brooke Provost
trains and accessories needed
We are hiring! We are looking for Kindergarten and Preschool aides to join our fantastic Early Childhood Team. For more information, please contact Principal Adrienne Wilson at
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
students in gray shirts running
We are excited to welcome Kristen Arbogast and Kelly Bordewick to our Advancement Team! Kristen will be leading Development and Marketing and Kelly will be leading Fundraising and Communications. These two wonderful ladies will play an integral part of advancing the vision and mission of Corpus Christi and we’re beyond grateful they’re a part of the team. Welcome Kristen and Kelly!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
mom dad with four boys outside for family pictures
mom dad two girls and one boy outside for family pictures
In need of uniforms? Check out our online school uniform store! We have several new options as well! Https://
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
picture of school uniforms
Happy Summer! I’m already planning for next year. I’m looking to create alternate seating in my classroom. Do you have coffee tables, kitchen tables, really anything you are willing to donate? I’m creating a coffee shop atmosphere for my tech classroom. I’m calling it the tech cafe.
over 2 years ago, Meagan O'Brian
We are hiring! We are looking for a full-time Music and 3rd grade teacher. We are also starting the interview process for the Director of Advancement. If you're interested in joining a great team, please contact Adrienne Wilson at
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
student standing next to principal wearing goggles and poncho
Happy Fourth of July to all our Saints! 🇺🇸
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
Fourth of July prayer
We are excited to announce Mrs. Whittington is moving to our 5th grade homeroom and 4/5 ELA position! This means we are looking to hire a third grade teacher for the upcoming year. Any interested candidates, please contact Principal Adrienne Wilson at
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
two boys smiling with arms wrapped around each other
Happy Father’s Day to all our dads out there!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
kid on dads shoulders
We are hiring! Please help us spread the word. We are looking for: *PreK-8 Spanish Teacher *PreK-8 Music Teacher *Director of Development *Part-time Technology Coordinator For more information, please contact Principal Adrienne Wilson at
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
five girls wearing neon green shirts sitting together
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Corpus Christi! It's everything Corpus Christi, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
corpus christi CS facebook post for app
God of power and mercy, you destroy war and put down earthly pride. Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears, that we may all deserve to be called your sons and daughters. Keep in your mercy those men and women who have died in the cause of freedom and bring them safely into your kingdom of justice and peace. #MemorialDay 🇺🇸
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
Memorial Day prayer
Corpus Christi Catholic School is looking to hire a full-time Spanish teacher and full-time Music teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. These position will work with students ranging from preschool through 8th grade. For more information, please contact Adrienne Wilson at Come join our Saints Family!
over 2 years ago, Adrienne Wilson
girl in red jacket running alongside boy in gray tshirt
Happy summer! We are celebrating the retirement of Mrs. Sue Nevius this afternoon plus honoring two other staff members leaving. Thank you for all you’ve done for our Saints!
over 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
lady standing by retirement cake
two ladies hugging
two women hugging
2nd grade celebrated the end of the year with a "beach party" complete with a movie & popcorn, a beach ball signing and bubbles outside! ☀️🍿
over 2 years ago, Dana Kessinger
2nd grade celebrated the end of the year with a "beach party" complete with a movie & popcorn, a beach ball signing and bubbles outside! ☀️🍿
over 2 years ago, Dana Kessinger