Good morning Saints families! We are in need of strong individuals who are able to help monitor and take out garbage and clean up throughout the evening.
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Yes, cash is still an option and now Venmo is as well! (Specifically for Basket Raffle Tickets!) @CorpusChristiCatholicSchool $1 for 1 ticket $5 for 6 tickets $10 for 15 tickets $20 for 30 tickets
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Register your team today! Trivia Night - March 11, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Trivia Night
Future Saints joining us for Ash Wednesday Mass!
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
Ash Wednesday
Fish Fry this Friday!
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
fish fry
Reminder to join us tonight!
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
School Club
Our Corpus Christi Cub Scout Pack received the "Pope Paul VI National Catholic Unit of Excellence Award" today at Scout Mass. The award was bestowed by Bishop Tylka at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception. This honor is given to a Pack that achieves a Gold level standard of religious counseling, education and leadership development. Well done, Scouts!
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Stanko
Pack 3955 receiving the Pope Paul VI National Catholic Unit of Excellence Award.
Here are a few of our bridge entries for the ASCE Bridge Competition this weekend.
almost 2 years ago, Sabrina Power
2 boys
4 girls
4 boys
3 boys
4 girls
Our Saints did a wonderful job representing Corpus Christi at the ASCE Bridge Competition in Peoria this afternoon.
almost 2 years ago, Sabrina Power
bridge break
4 boys
Junior High Tech students exploring all our resources for their final class of the trimester.
almost 2 years ago, Meagan O'Brian
Makey Makey’s & Circuit Cubes
Ozobot Robots, Tinkercad, & Zspace
Junior High Tech students exploring all our resources for their final class of the trimester.
almost 2 years ago, Meagan O'Brian
Sphero robots
Contraption Engineering
Little Bit Circuits
Happy Super Saint Week, Manny!😀 We loved sharing your special week with you!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Kessinger
Pre-k 4 students are filled with love for Corpus Christi💙💛💙💛
almost 2 years ago, Leah Close
Pre-k 4s
Happy Valentine’s Day from Mrs.Hester’s class 😘
almost 2 years ago, Becky Hester
Wondering what to wear for Valentine's Day?
almost 2 years ago, Kelly Bordewick
Valentine’s Day clothes
God bless our 2nd graders from SPCM who received the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time! We are proud of you!
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Saints
picture of lamb
Pre k had an awesome time with our clothing unit
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Provost
drying clothes
washer/dryer fun
clothing unit fun
washer/dryer fun
washing clothes
Pre k 3 had an awesome time with our clothing unit
almost 2 years ago, Brooke Provost
washing and drying clothes
having fun washing clothes
having fun in our clothing unit
cleaning clothes
washer/dryer fun
washer/dryer fun
clothing unit fun
washer/dryer fun
fun with our clothing unit
folding clothes
Gingerbread House Lego Building Contest!
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
almost 2 years ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Renenroll now