Second grade used Sphero Robots this week! They learned to connect them with Bluetooth! Thank you to the University of Illinois Agricultural Extension Office for sharing these cool resources!
3 months ago, Meagan O'Brian
Working hard with our partners to find our fiction story elements or "story stones".
3 months ago, Dana Kessinger
3 months ago, Meagan O'Brian
This Friday, November 8th, all students are allowed to wear a RED shirt in honor of R.E.D. Day (Remember Everyone Deployed.) Students are asked to donate $1 to help purchase wreaths which will be laid on the graves of soldiers for Wreaths Across America. Thank you for supporting our heroes!
3 months ago, Amanda Stanko
All students wear RED this Friday!
Reminder: Pick up your Saints at 2:15 today!
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Pick Up Kids
Thank you to all who have shared the names of loved ones with us. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
all souls wall
The Junior High Aspire students learned about the voting process! They have made google slides on leadership and created a leadership coat of arms! Today they chose to campaign for extra recess or a treat for the class. They had to present, support, fill out a voter registration card, complete the ballot and finally design their "I voted!" sticker. One class came down to the last vote as a tiebreaker!!! Your vote matters!
3 months ago, Laura Baner
Which vote will win?!
Presenting why to have extra recess or a treat with pros and cons
I voted stickers!
Which will it be?
I voted sticker!
Chess Club begins next week! Students of all playing levels in grades 3rd-8th welcome! Please see Mrs. Wilson's newsletter for the permission slip. Email Mrs. Stanko with any questions at!
3 months ago, Amanda Stanko
Chess Club Starts next week!
5th Grade enjoyed their Composer Graveyard scavenger hunt in Music this week! They learned about Mozart, Bach, Brahms, Beethoven, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, and Handel!
3 months ago, Regan Baxter
5th Grade Music
5th Grade Music
5th Grade Music
5th Grade Music
5th Grade Music
5th Grade Music
5th Grade Music
PreK 3 has fun celebrating Halloween today!
3 months ago, Jennifer Albrecht
PreK 3 had fun celebrating Halloween today!
🎙️💙 Our very own Saints talked about Saints on Catholic Spirit Radio this morning! Thank you, Ruth & Blake, for sharing your faith!! If you would like to support Catholic Spirit Radio, visit
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Mrs. K's 2nd grade has been learning about the sacraments. Last week we shared about our own Baptisms, but this week we are learning about the Holy Spirit and Confirmation. We sure are lighting a fire under our faith this year!❤️🔥
3 months ago, Dana Kessinger
8th grade has been studying hydroponics in STEAM. Last week, they created their own wick hydroponic systems, and they are already growing lettuce!! We are excited to "eat our homework!" 😁
3 months ago, Amanda Stanko
8th Grade Hydroponics!
We would be honored to pray for your departed loved ones, please share their names with us here . . .
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
All Souls Day
🎤 Listen to your Saints LIVE on the radio!! Corpus Christi will be on Catholic Spirit Radio tomorrow morning, October 30th at 8:40am!
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Congratulations to Allie! Allie has been selected to attend the ILMEA festival at Olivet Nazarene University!
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
A few spots left!
3 months ago, Meagan O'Brian
Thank you to all those who donated to the Parent Teacher Conference meal! It was delicious!
3 months ago, Laura Baner
Salad and fruit
So many choices!
A great set up for great food!
Trunk-or-Treat is this Saturday 10/26!! 🌭Grilling-out/8th Grade Bake Sale: 11:30am 🍫Trunk-or-Treating: 1-3pm Come out for some family fun!! 🎃
3 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
trunk or treat
Even though it's a short week, fifth grade is busy previewing the message of faith in this Sunday's Gospel.
4 months ago, Linda McClure