Are you looking for that RaiseRight Code? Here it is!
5 months ago, Kelly Bordewick
Join us tonight for school club!!!
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Be there! School Club is for ALL PARENTS! Join us at 6:00 pm Tuesday, September 10th in the school cafeteria as we welcome our special guests . . . the 1st and 5th Grade Teams of Mrs. Kuntz, Mrs. Zlatic, Mrs. Pina & Mrs. Whittington! GO SAINTS!!!
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Sunday family fun includes meal planning! Be sure to put Portillos on the list for Wednesday and support our Saints while you enjoy a delicious piece of chocolate cake! Yummmmm!! 20% comes back to CCCS when you use "PORTILLOS51" in the Apply Offer field or show the flyer!
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Portillos Meet and Eat
What a beautiful day to spend time with Jesus at the Corpus Christi Grotto for adoration.
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
7th grade had a lot of fun building and coding Lego robots in technology!
5 months ago, Meagan O'Brian
7th grade
Technology class
Creativity at its finest!
Hey JH Families! We are looking to having our JH Saints help with childcare during school club meetings. Grab your chance to volunteer and earn service hours today!
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Using some new technology to complete the reading fluency part of MAP.
5 months ago, Linda McClure
we are using some new technology to complete the reading fluency portion of MAP
5th graders earned some outside time with chalk in Mrs. McClure's room!
5 months ago, Linda McClure
5th graders earned some outside time with chalk in Mrs. McClure's class!
Pre k is starting off with a fun year!
5 months ago, Brooke Provost
making art with the first letter of our names!
making art with the first letter of our names!
making art with the first letter of our names!
making art with the first letter of our names!
recess fun!
digging out in the pre k area
music class!
Spanish class
learning about sharing
PreK 3 is off to a great start this school year!
5 months ago, Jennifer Albrecht
We love spending time outside.
Join Mrs. O'Brian and her teacher friend, Mrs. Stanek, from Oakland school. It's sure to be a fun time!
5 months ago, Meagan O'Brian
Pre k 3 is off to a fun year
5 months ago, Brooke Provost
creating art with the first letter of
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
creating with the first letter of our name
We are in need of responses from ALL families. Please take a moment and let us know if your student will have Grandparents/Grand Friends attending . . .
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Grandparents Day
We at Corpus Christi were blessed to welcome Mr. Jim Smith from the Knights of Columbus as he shared the Silver Rose with us, the Silver Rose is making a pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion to pray for the spiritual renewal of each nation, promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
silver rose
September Lunch Menu
5 months ago, Corpus Christi Catholic School
Sept Lunch Menu
This week in Technology 8th grade built stomp rockets. We collected our data and created graphs to show the results.
5 months ago, Meagan O'Brian
Stomp Rockets
8th Grade
Data Analysis
We met our Aspire Buddies today!
6 months ago, Jane McConnell
Aspire Buddies
First Grade has been warming up their engineering skills in STEAM. This week they read the story, "Be a Maker" by Katey Howes, and then built their names from a variety of engineering tools!
6 months ago, Amanda Stanko
1st grade
Scrip/RaiseRight will be available for purchase tonight near the front office! Be sure to stop by and pick up your gift cards and work towards your family obligation!
6 months ago, Kelly Bordewick